
Talking to Pictures No. 2, 2023, Black & White HD, Sound

My mother, who has dementia, talking to me in a photograph.

Winter, 2023, Black & White HD, Sound, 2:26

Act II, Love Never Dies, 2022

Act I, Denial, 2022

Lobo Vita, 2021-2022

Collaboration with Lina Sanchez

Playing With China

Memory Lost, 2020

My mother was diagnosed with dementia a couple years ago, and since then her perception of things have changed dramatically. She now believe that the “TV people” can see her. I asked her to wipe away the tears of the actress on TV,

Sneaky Mister :: TINY ACHE

Can I Move In With You?

Collaboration with Jude Shimer

  Talking to Pictures No. 2,  2023, Black & White HD, Sound  My mother, who has dementia, talking to me in a photograph.
  Winter , 2023, Black & White HD, Sound, 2:26
  Act II, Love Never Dies,  2022
  Act I, Denial,  2022
  Lobo Vita,  2021-2022  Collaboration with Lina Sanchez
Playing With China
  Memory Lost,  2020  My mother was diagnosed with dementia a couple years ago, and since then her perception of things have changed dramatically. She now believe that the “TV people” can see her.  I asked her to wipe away the tears of the actress on
  Sneaky Mister :: TINY ACHE
  Can I Move In With You?   Collaboration with Jude Shimer

Talking to Pictures No. 2, 2023, Black & White HD, Sound

My mother, who has dementia, talking to me in a photograph.

Winter, 2023, Black & White HD, Sound, 2:26

Act II, Love Never Dies, 2022

Act I, Denial, 2022

Lobo Vita, 2021-2022

Collaboration with Lina Sanchez

Playing With China

Memory Lost, 2020

My mother was diagnosed with dementia a couple years ago, and since then her perception of things have changed dramatically. She now believe that the “TV people” can see her. I asked her to wipe away the tears of the actress on TV,

Sneaky Mister :: TINY ACHE

Can I Move In With You?

Collaboration with Jude Shimer

show thumbnails